Sunday 22 February 2015

Draft contents page

At the top of the page in the left I will have my masthead and then the word CONTENTS in big to grab people attention. I will use subsidary images to go next to my cell lines which will match with the pictures. I will put my page numbers in circles to make them clearer on the page. At the bottom of the page I will use a banner line for my multi-platform links. I will put a Facebook, Twitter and web link as I feel it is important for my audience as the interent is a big thing in todays world. To the right of my page I will create a box for my album reviews. This is a monthly thing and based on my questionanire resluts something that my audience wanted. I will also use a oug to advertise a free coupon that will grab peoples attention.

Draft double page spread

To make my magzine flow better and look like its all from the same magazine I will put my masthead in the top left corner and I will keep the rectangle dividers to make the layout more clear.
ON the first page I will have the question and answers from my article in two collums. I will use a pull quote in the centre of the page to keep readers intrested.I will also include a picture that relates to my article. I will also have a pug that says 'no1 debut album released' to grabs peoples attention and make them eager to know more.

At the top left of this page I will have a oull quote and to go underneath it will be an album review of her new album. To the right of the page will be the main image of the artist in the article. At the bottom of the page |I will have the words 'WIN TICKETS!' in big writting to drag people to that part of the page. underneath I will have the details of how to win them. In the right hand corner of the page at the bottom I will have page numbers to make the magazine easy to follow.

Draft front cover


Based on my questionaire results I have decided to go with a female artist on the cover as I know this is what my audience wants. I want my female artist to be holding a guitar on the cover so people will immediatally see that is it a music magazine. I will also have my artist in indie rock clothing as that is the look I am wanting to creats. The pug next to the image 'country girl takes on city' will be an insight as to what the article is about and will make you want to know more. The caption 'Nellie goes big' allows my audience to know who the artist is and what her article will be based on.  I will have my artist looking straight at the camera as I want the audience to connect with the artist.

The most popular name for my masthead (based from my questtionaire results) was Indie Fusion, so this is what I'll use. Just like other magazine I will put my masthead in the top left hand corner as that is where people look first and it will grab the readers attention. The idea behind it being that it's all types of indie music fusing together. Underneath the masthead will be 'bring indie together' so it helps explain the name and allows people to know the intent of the magazine. To follow the codes and conventions of magazine I will put the date and issue number in the top right hand corner and the barcode along with the price in the bottom left corner.

My cell lines are all artist based. I will have the artists name bigger so it will grab the readers attention. To split up the cell line I will but a rectangle. This will make it more clearer. I have chosen these artist because they are indie and wide spread of genre with in indie.

Photos for my magazine

When taking my photos I took a varied amount of differet shots so when I started to create my magazine I would have enough choice and options to get the look I wanted.

Thursday 12 February 2015

First draft at article.

  Nellie released her debut album, 'No one changes me' last week (9 February). To celebrate the success it has already received we put 7 questions to her so we could keep you up to date with her world now.

   How does it feel to have the first indie album to make it to number 1 (on the iTunes download charts) since 2002?
   To be honest it's incredibly over whelming. It's crazy, I just woke up and everyone was suddenly listening to my music. I put so much of myself into this album and it's great to know that it's been excepted so well. To be number 1 so quickly is such an amazing thing to me.

   Does fame and the public effect your music in any way?  
   It provides encouragement and it's inspiring to know that people want to listen to my music. I understand my music is different from others in the chart but I wouldn't change that for anyone. I've worked hard to creat my own style and I intend on keeping it.

  How would you describe your new album to people who have listened to it?
  My style is different, but it's fresh and new. It's contemporary with an indie spin. It's all about the vocals and the words in the songs. I want people to connect with the album on a very personal level. I want the album to effect the way you're feeling when you're listening to it. Music isn't suppose to be easy listening in my opinion.

   Who would you say is your biggest competition at the moment?
   I don't consider anyone as my competition. I make music because its my passion.

  Do you have artists that inspired your work?
  I've always been a big Florence and The Machine fan. I loved her sound and her style. She has always been a role model of mine.

  With the new album completed and out now, are you considering going on tour anytime soon?
  Yes! We are in the middle of arranging the dates. I'm so excited! I love meeting my fans around the world. It's means so much to me to actually see the people who take the time to listen to my music. In a way it's like I'm giving something back to them.

  This is something we ask all artists. What's your favourite song of your album and why?
   I'm so proud of all of them, it's very difficult to say. I guess my favourite would have to be Listen. It's quite upbeat. I loved working on the vocals. The harmonies are slightly different to other tracks. The song is suppose to make you feel almost euphoric. I really hope people like it as much as I did making it.