Monday 24 November 2014

School Magazine Evaluation

Over all I felt my magzine went well for a first attempt. I was pleased with the end result but there are many areas for improvement. I feel that my main image and masthead were strong points and worked well on the cover. My layout and design was clear but there was a lot of dead space were I could have put some subsidiary images to make it more interesting. My content was minimal and was as good as it could have been. The cell lines could have been more interesting and there could have been more variation with the fonts and colours used. I like the footer line but it could have been more interesting to look at. The colours for the pug I think worked well and grabbed people's attention. If I was to do it again I would have definitely changed what my model was wearing for the photo. I felt it didn't link to school enough and the pink t-shirt don't match the colour scheme I was using. When I take my picture for my music magazine I will make sure that the clothing matches the look I will be creating for my magazine. 

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