Monday 24 November 2014

School Magazine Evaluation

Over all I felt my magzine went well for a first attempt. I was pleased with the end result but there are many areas for improvement. I feel that my main image and masthead were strong points and worked well on the cover. My layout and design was clear but there was a lot of dead space were I could have put some subsidiary images to make it more interesting. My content was minimal and was as good as it could have been. The cell lines could have been more interesting and there could have been more variation with the fonts and colours used. I like the footer line but it could have been more interesting to look at. The colours for the pug I think worked well and grabbed people's attention. If I was to do it again I would have definitely changed what my model was wearing for the photo. I felt it didn't link to school enough and the pink t-shirt don't match the colour scheme I was using. When I take my picture for my music magazine I will make sure that the clothing matches the look I will be creating for my magazine. 

Friday 7 November 2014

Creating my magazine.

1st Draft
When begining to create my magzine I decided that my draft copies on paper wouldn't be appropriate. I kept my main image and text as well as the image because I felt that it was still a good idea.
When I started to look at creating my masterhead I decided that using key board keys for the title wouldnt be clear enough or bold enough to use as the main title for the cover. I decided that going with a type front would make it a lot more concise. I went with the Blue and Black alternating as I felt they would be regonisable as colours associated with a school magazine.

My image was a picture of a student. I took the photo into photoshop and removed the background. this made a lot more suitable for the front cover. I used a mid shot as it showed more of her face and it was more clear that it was about her.

At this stage I added the banner line in blue to match the masterhaed so that the colour scheme tied in a lot better.
I felt that the the pink of the students t-shirt really added some colour to the cover and made it a lot happier and brighter.

2nd Draft
My next step was then to add my cover lines. I added my text to the left hand side to minimise the use of white space. I decided to use blue again as not only is it highly associated with schools but it is also a very calm and inviting color. The font at this stage was subject to change as at this point I wanted to get the positioning right on the page.

I also repositioned the image more to the right of the page to make a better space for the text. I then added my pug. Originally this was yellow but that looked far too bright for a pug and I changed to blue.

I then changed the shade of blue on the masterhead as I wanted the pug to be a shader of blue brighter than the text to make it more prominent on the page. I changed the shade of blue for the banner as I felt that the darker shade added more depth.
3rd Draft
I used yellow as my color choice for the main image title as I needed it to stand out.
To make it all look better I repositioned the image and the pug on the page. I made them slightly bigger and moved them over to the left a little. I then made the cover line of the main image a little more bigger to make it stand out more.

I then went in and added the rest of my text and repositioned my page again so it looked more like a magazine cover and then I was finished.

Final Magazine Front Cover