Friday 8 May 2015

Question 1- Final Front Cover

Question 1- Contents page

Question 1- Double Page Spread

Question 4

Question 7 - Looking back ay your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Looking back at my preliminary task I can see drastic improvements. The first task allowed me to use the software and get used to it but the over all magazine was too basic.
I felt that the typical media conventions of my magazine definitely improved as I had a lot more research and planning for my music magazine. I spent a lot of time looking at what my target audience wanted for my music magazine and this made the product a lot stronger. 
My school magazine was quite empty in comparison to the school magazine. Indie Fusion was more interesting and appealing to look at. It had more going on, which would make people more attracted to it. I used a wider variety of fonts and colours as this was things other magazines did and I felt would make my magazine a lot better. 
My over all technique improved and the way I edited images had improved. It had a lot cleaner look and more professional feel. 
I was definitely a lot happier with my music magazine than my school one. I personally found the music one easier to do as I had a better vision and plan of what I wanted. With the school magazine I was new with the software and layout/format of magazines. 
I definitely think that creating the school magazine helped as it made me much more familiar with the techniques I needed and approach I needed to make a magazine. 
I think I have improved massively from the primilary task and am happy with my end product. 
Final Magazine Front Cover