Tuesday 21 April 2015

Question 2- How does the Media Product represent a particular social group?

When beginning my research for my magazine I looked to existing music magazines for inspiration. I knew I wanted to appeal to an indie rock audience ages 16 to 24 and that needed to shown throughout my magazine.
I came across this image of Tinie Tempah wearing sunglasses and I felt that gave him an artistic edge over other artists and made him look more interesting. I liked this photo and decided that I would create something similar for my front cover. I felt that people in an indie social group would like this as they themselves aspire to have 'edge' and so I want my artist to have this.

I re-created the image fro my front cover but changed a few things. Her position on the camera was more casual as I wanted it to have a more relaxed indie feel. I dressed her in the leather jacket, stripes and the sunglasses to create a very indie/ indie rock feel. This would attract this type of social group as this is how they want to dress. Most indie artist do not wear a lot of makeup so I put just a little lipstick on my artist to stay true to this but to add a little pop of colour to her image. I feel my image would attract my young/ stylish/ edgy audience. As it represent the indie/ indie rock social group. the colour scheme on my magazine, red/blue/black/ yellow was used as these are typical colours found on magazines similar to my own. The bands and artist I used on my front cover are all of the indie/indie rock genre which reflects the same type of music the indie/ indie rock social group enjoy listening to so I feel they would definitely attract my audience.

The images I used on my contents page also reflect the indie' indie rock music industry, since each artist is different. I wanted to involve the fact that the indie/ indie rock social groups are likely to have interests in or play an instrument so I had my artist posed with her guitar. I positioned her against the well for a more edgy pose although her facial expression is still smiley, showing her passion for music like the indie/indie rock social group share.
I also connected with the indie/indie rock social group my including up to date technology links of the use of the media brand 'Indie Fusion'. On my contents page I included a twitter/Facebook/web link, this will engage the technophiles in my audience that I am trying to target as they are update with technology. The other images used on my contents page reflect the indie social group well through the edgy poses and clothing that would attract the indie/ indie rock social groups.

The content in my article will greatly appeal to the indie/indie rock social group as I discuss music/ album releases/ tour dates/ iTunes/ and her personal life. Therefore this would attract the social group as its things they are very interested in and want to know about. The images I've used of Nellie show her in a more indie light. The clothing is very indie with the colours/ checked shirt/ jeans and black boots so would attract the indie/ indie rock social group. Again I've added in links fro the up to date technologies the indie/ indie rock social group to allow them to experience a more interactive magazine that the youth are looking for.

Overall I believe I have targeted and represented the indie/ indie rock social group well as I did a lot of research into what they liked so my magazine would suit them. It would interest this social group as they are the main target audience for my magazine.