Tuesday 6 January 2015

Questions from my questionnaire.

Questionnaire for an Indie Rock Music Magazine.

Which of the following music magazine do you like the most? (Please circle)
-Other please state.………….

Which of these meatheads given, would you prefer for a indie rock magazine? (Please rank order-1=Best)
-The Music Scene
-Indie Rock
-The Chord
-Indie Fusion
-Rock Fusion
-Indie Tone
-Other please state.………….

Which of these bands do you consider the best to cover for an indie rock magazine? (Please circle)
-Artic Monkeys
-Florence and The Machine
-The XX
-The Killers
-Two Door Cinema Club
-Other please state.………….

Which of the following would you consider best for a main image for the cover page of an indie rock magazine? (Please circle)
-Male Artist
-Female Artist
-Male Group
-Female Group
-Mixed Group

What colours would you personally expect to see on a indie rock music magazine? (Please state)


       What type of cover image would encourage you to buy a music magazine? (Please circle)
-Male Artist
-Female Artist
-Male Group
-Female Group
-Mixed Group

Please rank order the sort of article you would like to see in a indie rock magazine. (1=Best)
-An interview with a band/artist
-A review on a CD
-A review if a group/ artist
-A review on an upcoming group/ artist
-Information on upcoming concerts/ festivals

Please rank order the following sections you would like to see on the contents pages in an indie music magazine? (1=Most important)
-Editors letter
-Album Reviews
-Interviews with artists/ bands
-Information about concerts/ festivals


My Typical Reader